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Article exists only in Russian.



The major condition of neurosurgical intervention safe performance are adequacy of surgical access, exactness of orientation in anatomic structures, observance of principles of functional availability. Technical means to achieve these aims are known as «navigation systems». Such computer-assisted methods have found application in neuro-oncology, vascular neuro-surgery, spinal neurosurgery. Rational and complex methods of preoperative visualization are necessary for an effective use of computer-assisted neuronavigation. Volume and methods of preoperation patient’s inspection must be determined by characteristic of brain defeat and planned tactics of operative intervention. Correctness of protocol observance allows to construct the exact and correct virtual three-dimensional model and its exact accordance and subsequent combination with the anatomy of patient. The limiting factor in capacity utilization is neuronavigation shift – the phenomenon – the discrepancy neuroimaging data in the later stages of intracranial surgery, due to changes in the dislocation structures of the brain. Full alignment of this phenomenon is achieved by the use of intraoperative imaging – MRI and CT units.




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